Maritime industry

Anthony Durot sheds light on the challenges facing the Port of Antwerp-Bruges in Flows article
Our Board President, Mr. Anthony Durot, sat down with Flows newspaper for an insightful interview shedding light on the challenges facing Antwerp port, this after a longstanding career of 51 years. Read his exclusive interview in Flows for a glimpse into our...
read moreAgency Agreement with Arctic Container Line
Arctic Container Line and Boeckmans Nederland B.V. are pleased to announce that they signed an Agency Agreement for both the Netherlands and Belgium. This as a result of 4 months close cooperation. Arctic Container Line, a new company established in February...
read moreAnthony Durot is awarded ‘Logistics Lifetime Achievement Award’
CONGRATULATIONS: our president of the board Anthony Durot is awarded ‘Logistics Lifetime Achievement Award', a yearly crowning achievement for his outstanding career in the logistic and transport community. The jury choose Mr Durot for his business- as well as...
read more150 + 2 years anniversary of Zuidnatie
Happy we could join the 150 (+2) years anniversary of Zuidnatie! It was a great evening with lovely people and a beautiful sunset, as you can see. Thumbs up for the organisation & the beautifull setting 👍👍
read moreWelcome Mv Global Mercy
“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone” ( - Ronald Reagan) Mercy Ships is an organization that operates hospital ships, providing humanitarian aid like free health care and mental health programs. This weekend, we welcome the Mv Global Mercy - the...
read moreSeafarers Deserve Support
Ships make the world go, but seafarers are the ones that keep our ships going. Watch the video and see for yourself what challenges they face in the open seas. [video width="1920" height="1080"...
read moreShips make the world go
Ships make the world go, because without shipping, our world would look quite different. So take 2 minutes of your time to watch this video and support the maritime industry, their seafarers and everyone else that helps crew this amazing world trade. [video...
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